
My journey with heat and cold exposure therapy began early in life. Growing up in a trailer park attached to a First Nations reserve in the hills of the Okanagan, I was fortunate to learn from an Indigenous spiritual leader named Chief White Buffalo Man, or Dean as I called him. He taught me how...
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We’ve heard it countless times “I can’t eat this much protein” or “how do i get enough protein”  or “I’m vegetarian/ vegan so i can’t eat enough protein.”  All these concerns are valid. Consuming sufficient amounts of protein can be challenging, especially for those new to fitness and nutrition. At Kraken, clients often find protein...
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If you’re like me, you’re seeking a piece of wearable technology that’s compact, comfortable, and stylish, a smart ring might be just what you’re looking for! After years of wearing a watch and finding it bulky and uncomfortable, I was excited to discover smart rings. I dove into researching various brands and comparing their specs...
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Whether you’re a seasoned vet, new to the game or wanting to give it a shot because you’re over the age of 30 years old like me, golf can be a fun, therapeutic and engaging form of exercise.  That said, Golf can place an unusual demand on the body that traditional workouts sometimes just can’t...
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Focusing on health, Prioritizing whole foods and limiting processed foods as much as possible. As a trainer, I always advocate for having well-balanced meals that have sufficient amounts of protein, carbs and fats and ones that prioritize whole foods over ultra-processed ones. My personal style of eating is primarily animal based, but I definitely do...
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Do you find yourself spending extended periods at your desk? Are you experiencing discomfort or stiffness in your neck? If so, here is your ultimate guide to relieving your neck pain for good. Here are five simple exercises that can be easily incorporated into your desk routine, all within a few minutes. If you are...
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As winter fades away, and Vancouverites swap their cozy corners for rugged trails, it’s time to dust off those hiking shoes and gear up for adventure. But before you hit the picturesque trails of Vancouver, it’s crucial to prepare your body for the challenges ahead. To help you stride confidently through the lush landscapes, here...
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We’ve been in the fitness game for a while, and over the years, we’ve seen countless people swear by conventional barbell deadlifts, claiming that a program isn’t complete without them. But here’s the thing: Brandon and I have taken a different route (and for good reason too). My Experience:Back in the day, I was all...
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