Alissa is only one day out from her competition and she’s here to share some tips that have helped her throughout the prep.

Dieting down for a bikini show is not easy, and you can see in the video just how lean she really is.

And it also takes a lot of training, check out this blog post about how she’s building her booty her competition.

So for Alissa has dropped over 70 lbs. She went from completely overweight to stage ready in less than three years.

She’s also in the midst of completing her Holistic Nutrition as well.

You can watch the video below or you can read all about it.


Alissa chooses to have three meals per day along with three snacks. She has the standard breakfast, lunch and dinner along with two snacks in between meals.

You can choose whether you want to have less than that or more than that. How many meals you have in a day is completely up to you. Everyone is different, and what works for Alissa might not work for you. Perhaps you’d prefer to eat six smaller meals per day, or maybe just two bigger meals.

Some people have hypoglycemic tendencies, and when they use up their blood sugar, they find that they get “hangry.” If this sounds like you, it might be better to have smaller meals throughout the day, instead of a few larger meals.


To make meal pepping easier, figure out “the skeleton” of your main meals.

This means sticking to the basics of your three food sources, carbs, veggies and protein.

To make things easy, just stick to three types of food for each source. For example; your carbs can include potatoes, yams, or quinoa. Your veggies are broccoli, cauliflower or asparagus. And your protein sources include chicken, ground turkey or salmon.

Keep the skeleton of the meal, but always change the sources and flavors to keep it fresh and to make sure you’re getting adequate micronutrients.

This method makes grocery shopping way easier and makes measuring food much easier as well.


You must figure out when you like to eat and how much to eat in each meal.

Alissa found that she likes to eat the bulk of her calories later in the day, so she incorporates intermittent fasting in her diet.

Her first meal is 5 hours after she wakes up. Fasting has helped her with her mindset when it comes to tackling obstacles. She feels that if she’s able to fast for a few hours in the morning, it makes other tasks in the day seem much easier since she started her day being disciplined.

If you wake up at the same time every day and eat at the same time every day, your circadian rhythm will start to take effect and you will get hunger cues throughout the day.

Meal timing isn’t about making gains or anything. What it’s important for is your sanity and stress levels. Find which meal timing works for you. Are you’re a morning eater or do you like skipping breakfast?


You must find what works best for you. So that means you have to start experimenting now. You’ll have to go through a learning process to figure it all out.

It’s going to be uncomfortable. Change is not easy. You have to push past the discomfort of being hungry or having food anxiety to see results.

Of course, that’s something we can help you with. If you’re looking into getting some personal training or need help with your nutrition, don’t hesitate to give us a call or apply for a free session with us here.